Downside of the morning is the long shrill BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP that is going off in my kitchen.
9:48-I go to investigate and find that it is my gas alarm. Great.
9:50-I knock at the neighbors. No answer.
9:51-I try the downstairs neighbors. No answer.
Where is everyone when a girl is about to have a gas explosion in her Armenian apartment and has no idea what to do about it??!!
10-I resort to calling our Safety and Security officer, the beloved Vahagan. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. I’m not really sure what he told me to do and he speaks English. Hmm.
10:10-I call my landlord. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. “Oh just open a window for 5 minutes. It will be fine” that was the gist of what I got from that conversation. She speaks Armenian. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.
10:15- I open my door and let the freezing Armenian winter flood my living room.
10:15-10:35- Beeping continues and I hope that gas is not seeping into my lungs.
10:35- Vahagan calls me back to see my progress. Encourages me to call the gas company.
10:37-Knock on neighbors again. They answer! “Come. Come into my house. Loud beeping. I don’t know what to do. Can you call the gas company for me because maybe I don’t understand what they say?”
10:38-Arpine calls mek-zero-chors (1-0-4). From a cellphone though it goes directly to Yerevan.
10:40-Arpine goes to her house to use the house phone and call Kapan’s gas company.
10:51-Arpine can’t get ahold of the Kapan gas people. Of course, I can wait at my home all day long. She will continue to call them.
11-Call and update Vahagan. Run out of dram on my phone.
11:03- Vahagan calls me back. He wants to call Yerevan Gas Co to see if there is anything to do.
11:05- Vahagan calls and tells me to unplug the alarm, wait 15 minutes, plug it back in and see what happens. (meanwhile it is now freezing in my living room/kitchen)
11:07-Arpine has gotten the gas company and they are headed here. Fingers crossed.
11:45- gas man arrives, plug in my monitor. Wait. Apparently it has gone bad so I get a brand spanking new machine!
Apparently I knew Artik in my old village. I don’t think I have ever seen him before. While Artik was here he was explaining to me that the monitors are made in China. At first I didn’t understand him. So he, in all his Armenian genius and cultural sensitivity, put his fingers to his eyes to display what he meant. Oh, whoa, ok. I get it now. Please please stop doing that.
Looks like I am safe! Stay tuned…
Last night in my lovely new blender I made more hummus. Split the batch and made a garlic hummus and a spicy one. The spicy is deeeelicious. Garbanzo beans have become my staple this week. Nutritionally they are pretty good for ya.
Lizzie’s NGO got an article written up about them. This is the NGO I have been helping out at working on the Homeland Handicrafts with them. The article is pretty poorly written but gives a good idea of the situation here for people with disabilities.
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