I desperately needed to pay my landlord since I had not paid since the beginning of January. February I had the excuse of not being able to walk, and then I just hadn't had the time to make the trip out to her house since returning from Italy. I cleared my afternoon schedule to head out to the villages. This is a full day adventure usually. This time was no exception. I show up and we of course drink tea. The usual chit chat. I am harassed by Lena the 4 year old. We do some building. I get to look at every picture in the family photo album (again). Lunch is prepared. I say, in all seriousness, I need to leave at 3. We finish lunch and I ask what time it is, "3:20". GREAT. I scurry home to watch the last of the documentary films being shown by the British Council for our very own Film Festival. Riveting stuff.
She might be one of the only Armenians that smiles in photos.

Lena shows me her dance moves

Lena helps me build the castle

Our creation, sort of

Then the new guitar came out. She played and I danced. Tatik laughed.

Also, in honor of Women's Day we had another contest for Armenians to write an essay or draw a picture explaining the importance of women in leadership, or about a woman who is a strong leader in their life. This gem of a poster came back from Robyn's village from a little boy. Clearly this kid missed the point of how awesome women are.
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